Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012


Pada suatu ketika saya dan teman-teman kampus disuruh untuk membuat sebuah atraksi drama dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris. Ketika bingung apa yang harus kita lakukan maka terfikirlah kami untuk membuat drama ini.

The Origin Of Fragrant Night

Long time ago, there was a peacock. Who lived in the middle of a forest. He had very beautiful and he liked to show off his beauty to the other animals. If somebody approached his, he immediately opened his wings and tail.

Eagle : Oh the color of your feather is very beautiful, peacock!
Popinjay : It looks like the flowers which blossom in the morning. How lucky you are! You are such a beautiful bird.

Because many animals often praised his. Peacock became arrogant. He always bragged his beauty to everybody who saw his.

Peacock : I am the most beautiful bird in the world. Nobody can beat my beauty !
Many other birds approached his to be his friends. But he always rejected them.

Peacock : Nobody is as pretty as meThe frakey tried to approach his.

Turkey : I want to be your friend, peacock
Peacock : Open your wings first !

Turkey opened his wings. Peacock laughed.

Peacock : Hahaha ……. Your open wings look so agly you hearly have no feather
at all. You can’t be my friend !
The eagle also approached his.

Peacock : Open your wings first !

Eagle opened he wings.

Peacock : Oh your feather is also ugly. You can’t be my friend.

Then the other birds. But they also rejected him. Finally, all the birds felt offended and hated his.
One day, apairot came. He also wanted to be his friend. But peacock said.

Peacock    : You should look at your awn reflection ! The other birds who are much prettier than you, I rejected them all. Let alone you ! You are the ugliest bird I’ve ever seen in the world.

Parrot was so angry.

Parrot    : Your insult is too much, peacock

At the very moment, parrot called the other birds and then they attacked peacock and yanked out all his feather.

Peacock : ‘Forgive me …. Forgive me’
Eagle     : No forgiveness for you, you arrogant peacock.
Popinjay : This is a very good lesson for you
Turkey   : Those who are arrogant will get their punishment
Peacock : Please …… Forgive me

Peacock was howing for forgiveness. But the birds didn’t listen to peacock cry. They kept yanking out peacock feather. Now peacock became bald. The other birds laughed at the bald peacock.
Peacock was crying and sad. He an into the forest to hide. Peacock was ashamed seeing his haked body. Now he had nothing to be provd of.
Because he was embarrassed, peacock only went out at night. He looked for food in darkness. He often felt cold.

Peacock : Oh, what should I do now ?

One night, peacock met an owl. He moaned to the wise bird. He told him her poor fate.

Peacock : What should I do, so that my feather can grow again?

Owl felt pity towords peacock. Owl gave his an advice.

Owl       : The only way so that your feather can grow again is you must ask for apology to the other birds that you’ve hurt.
Peacock : But I’m ashamed to them
Owl       : Get rid off your shawe. People who admit their mistake and ask for opology are people with great spirit. Show your great spirit.

Because of owl’s advice, peacock soon came to the birds. That he had offended.

Peacock : please forgive me, Turkey. I don’t want to be arrogant anymore.

Turkey forgave peacock’s mistake. How amzing ! suddenly one beautiful feather grew on peacock’ tail.
Then, as soon as possible. Peacock went to parrot to ask for her apology. Parrot also forgeve his and how amzing once again a feather grew on peacock’s tail. Peacock felt enthusiastic to ask for apology.
Thus, he went to the birds. He had once rejected one by one and the miracle happened again and again every time he asked for apology a beautiful feather grew on ther body.
Now peacock became a kind bird. His feather was beautiful again although It’s not perfect yet. The other birds liked his now. Only to eagle he had not asked for apology.

Peacock : I need to say sorry to him, too. But eagle hest was so far away, on top of a hill.

For days, peacock walked to eagle’s hest. Until one night as he arrived at the slope of the hill. He heard a voice of a crying little bird in a canyon. It turned out to be eagle’s child. Who fell from a tree. Peacock quickly came to help him.
Peacock pulled up eagle child. Eagle saw this.

Peacock : Quickly, take your child
Eagle : on, that’s so kind of you

But peacock was not careful enough. When h climbed the canyon. Ofter giving the little bird to eagle. He slipped. Peacock tell into the canyon. Seeing this eagle screamed. But he couldn’t help his. Peacock died in the canyon.
The news about peacock’s death spread everywhere all bird mourned. They buried peacock’s body together a few years later. From the soil where peacock was buried a plant grew. He plant had flowers which spread very fragrant smell. It only blossomed at night. The however was called ‘Fragrant Night’.

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